Overview: I DONT have a smart tv rather a flatscreen with an hdmi port. If I were to build a pc say with an amd athleon 2 and a good wifi card, how good would gaming performance be if it was hooked up wirelessly to a pc with a core i7 6700k and a gtx 1070.
In deapth: My theory is taking a junk pc (like Athleon 2 with a wifi card), and over wifi, connecting it though LAN to a Gaming PC (i7 6700k and gtx 1070). Would
1: I be able to load games on the Gaming PC but stream them through the junk pc and eventually to the TV (Games loaded and playing on Gaming PC but being streamed through junk pc)
2: If Q1 can be accomplished would gaming performance be wortha damn?
In deapth: My theory is taking a junk pc (like Athleon 2 with a wifi card), and over wifi, connecting it though LAN to a Gaming PC (i7 6700k and gtx 1070). Would
1: I be able to load games on the Gaming PC but stream them through the junk pc and eventually to the TV (Games loaded and playing on Gaming PC but being streamed through junk pc)
2: If Q1 can be accomplished would gaming performance be wortha damn?