Asking humble advice about first gaming build.


Sep 14, 2015
Approximate Purchase Date: this month

Budget Range: between €1200-1600 (1322.76-1763,68 usd)

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, no specific games because can't play any of them on my current pc. Mostly fps and mmorpg. Maybe some Ableton live music making stuff as wel.

Are you buying a monitor: Yes

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: buying from

Location: Belgium (pretty town of Leuven, where Stella Artois is made)

Overclocking: Yes

SLI or Crossfire: No, way too expensive

Monitor resolution: thinking of buying a 1080p 144hz 24' one. But would love suggestions for 27'

Additional Comments: mostly I want it to be a little future proof that's why I am going with the Skylake processor and a midrange z170 mobo.


Maybe swap the gtx970 for a r9 390x or 980?
and the hyper 212 evo for a liquid cooling system?

All suggestions are more than welcome.
Man, the fun of selecting parts is done by a person himself. You may ask advice on how a build looks, what compontents are compatible with which and so on. You won't feel as awesome when you finish a rig when you know that you didn't select the components. To me it's a bit like slacking off when you ask other to select the components for you. While selecting components you learn how to select components for another build.

Here are some tips:
Use Intel (a 6600k would do)
a asus motherboard Z170-A or pro gaming
a fractial design define s
and a gtx 970 or r9 390 if you want to be closer to the 1200$ mark
use a GtX 980 ti If you want to be closere to the 1600$ mark

Rest is for you to figure out....
No problem, thanks for the quick reply. Was reading a lot of bad stuff about the pro gaming that's why I took a better model.
I'm really undecissive about the GPU, can't decide between the msi gtx 970 or the sapphire r9 390x nitro. It's only a 50 eur difference (390x is more expensive here). The gtx 980ti is bit too expensive for my taste. Is the gtx 980 any good?
What would you say is the best option if I may want to upgrade to a 1440 setup?
One last question, would it be worth waiting for the pascal release or should I just go with the current Maxwell one. I did some math and really can't afford the 980 so probably will go with a 970.
Yes but is it worth the wait till the release? Because there is no certainty if it will be there in april or october? And price will be up there or not who knows