T tcross Distinguished Feb 9, 2012 1 0 18,510 Feb 10, 2012 #1 Hello, Would like to know if there is a way around using a recover disc..
ksiemb Illustrious Nov 15, 2009 12,270 0 41,960 Feb 10, 2012 #2 tcross : Hello, Would like to know if there is a way around using a recover disc.. Your service guide (owner manual) will give you all recovery options. http://support.acer.com/acerpanam/Manuals/acer/2009/ServiceGuides/SG_Aspire_5532_10192009.pdf Upvote 0 Downvote
tcross : Hello, Would like to know if there is a way around using a recover disc.. Your service guide (owner manual) will give you all recovery options. http://support.acer.com/acerpanam/Manuals/acer/2009/ServiceGuides/SG_Aspire_5532_10192009.pdf