ASrock 970 extreme 4 mobo question


Oct 19, 2011
Hi I recently purchased a budget build and got the ASrock 970 extreme 4 mobo. It all runs fine but I'm having issues with the Dr. Debug reader, power LED, and reset LED that is located on the mobo. Everytime I connect my dvd burner and HDD burner my PC turns on, everything works fine, but the 3 lights turn off. I'm not sure if that's how it is, but it doesn't seem to be interfering with anything. It might be my SATA connectors from my PSU, but the PSU is running everything else fine :eek:.

I have an OCZ ZS Series 650W 80PLUS Bronze High Performance Power Supply
5670 x2 crossfire
amd phenom IIx4 970 black edition
LG DVD burner
Hitachi 500gb HDD
g skill 8gb ram