Question ASRock AB350 Mini ITX failing POST

Aug 26, 2019
I'm in the process of building a little media server, and am having difficulty getting anywhere with the build. Here are my components:

  • Fractal Node 202 case with 450W power supply
  • ASRock AB350 Mini ITX motherboard
  • AMD Athlon X4 950 processor
  • 1 stick of Corsar Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 2400mHz RAM
  • EVGA Geforce RTX 2060 graphics card.

The plan is actually to swap out the CPU and graphics card for a AMD Ryzen™ 5 3400G, but that can't be used until I can upgrade the BIOS on the motheboard, hence the Athlon.

I've connected all 24 pins for the main connector to the motherboard, both 4 pin CPU power connectors for the CPU (to the 12V ATX connector), and all 8 pins of power for the graphics card. When I hit power, both the CPU fan and GPU fans spin, but nothing else happens. The system doesn't reboot, it just sits there in a fairly idle state. I can't get any signal from the graphics card.

Here's what I also know:

  1. The RAM is good - it's a stick from my other (working) desktop
  2. The graphics card is good - it's again from my main desktop
  3. The Athlon has previously worked, as that's what I used to upgrade my desktop motherboard

And here's what I've tried:

  1. Moving the clear CMOS jumper from pins 1-2 to pins 2-3 and back.
  2. Triple checked all power connections
  3. Moved the RAM stick from DIMM 1 to DIMM 2.
  4. Tried both display port connections on the graphics card, and the HDMI. Nothing on any.

I can't work out what I'm missing. Is something dead?
Aug 26, 2019
Wondering if maybe the graphics card was too much, I bought a dirt cheap one from the store round the corner - still nothing. I'm pretty convinced at this point that the mobo is faulty, but I'd be curious if anyone else has any advice before I return it.