Question ASRock AliveNfg6-vsta bios update problem

Mar 17, 2019
Hey, I'm trying to update my bios from 2.20 to 2.26 beta in order to install an AM3 processor on this motherboard. The processor in question is Amd Phenom 965 black edition, and I'm interested in what are the odds of it working. Since I've seen someone pull off an Amd Phenom 955 black edition without a problem.

I can't find the files I need to do a dos flash, I've found a post that resolved the problems but I can't download the files needed since it was from 2013 and the link has probably expired, here's the post I'm referring to:


My question is, can someone fetch me the files I need and the instructions on how to update my bios. Bios doesn't have the smart option that I can use for instant flashing. Why do something like this, why go to lengths like these you might ask?, desperate times require desperate measures. And I just wanna play some games.

Anyways hope someone can help.
I tried all of that, it doesnt work. my mobo doesnt support instant flash for 2.26.

Just because it isn't supported doesnt mean it wont work, with bios 2.26 you can put AM3 processor like 955 black and it works, so im wondering will 965 make it.

Also in the thread i mention ASRock support tested some of AM3 proccesors
This is a reply from a legit ASRock support staff member:
"About the question of using AM3 CPU, please kindly update the latest BIOS L2.26 from the attached file to try.
Due to the resource limitation, we couldn't help you to scan all AM3 CPU.
But we test below CPU with L2.26, these CPU can be supported by L2.26.
The CPU list is as below for your referance.
  1. AthlonII X2 245 (ADX245OCK23GQ)
  2. AthlonII X2 240 (ADX240OCK23GQ)
  3. AthlonII X4 620 (ADX620WFK42GI)
  4. AthlonII X4 630 (ADX630WFK42GI)
  5. PhenomII X4 955 (HDZ955FBK4DGI) ""

    The problem is I cant download the attached file 🙁
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