I thought intel said they v4 chips would only be supported on server chipsets ?? and there been a few posts here at toms with guys failing to have them chips work on x99 ?/
matter of fact that bios update was listed at asrock on there x99 boards but now today there removed or yet to show any v4 chips supported ?
is this going to be like the asrock no "K'' overclocking thing where its not approved or supported by intel and removed ??
I think if you look you may see intel said v4 chips will only be supported under c610 chipset only [??] just like today that xeon will not be supported under any skylake 100 series boards and just Intel C232 chipsets
''''The E5 - v4 series -- The platform will be compatible with the C610 series chipset.''
thing is intel want to have things today as proprietary as they can get it -- I wount get my hopes up until I see proof in the pudding
maybe get lucky and intel changed there minds and will allow on x99 ?? these days who knows
good luck