ASrock Fatality AB350 Gaming 4k boot loop no video signal


Aug 3, 2017

As i just bought new parts ant put it all together. I have a problem that after starting pc it get powerd on all fans are working there is no sound and no video signal readed. After 30 seconds of work it reboots and starts again and again etc.All parts are brand new from store.

Build is :
- Ryzen 7 1700
- ASrock Fatality AB350 Gaming 4k
- Bios ver. 1.4(default)
- DDR4 2x 8gb Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000 MHZ
-PCU - Corsair VS650
-SSD Patriot Blaze 128GB
-Gigabyte GeForce Gtx 1070 Gaming G1

What was done untill now: for searching for the issue:
Removing each part and starting pc over again.
- Unpluged front panel
-Unpluged SSD
-Unpluged all Case Fans
-Unpluged GPU

-Reset bios battery
-Reset Cmos

-Switched 1 stick of ram to each slot after each placing rebooting pc
-Start with unpluged RAM

Each gave same result

Except 1 : Unpluged 8 pin CPU power. - after turning it on no video or audio signal but pc didnt reboot

EDIT - On umper set to pin 2-3 pc dosent reboot but still no video/audio signal etc.
EDIT 2: PC returned form service they couldnt make it work with 3 diffrent ryzen CPU could it be ram compatibilty or its just broken ?

Please help.

I have the same problem, could you fixed it?