ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ not booting with more than 2 graphics cards


Apr 18, 2013
Testing the board out using a single riser based GPU and EthOS without any problems. Built my frame and wired up (6) GPUs and nothing booted. Added a cheap PCIe 16X card so I could watch the console and the system was hanging after the Hit F2/Del prompt.

Started removing PCIe 1X riser cards and discovered it booted fine once I was down to just 1 riser and the cheap PCIe 16X.

I'm presuming its a BIOS hang, but the next step would be an EthOS boot.

Any diagnostic suggestions?

Close, but the 2200Watt power supply was not the problem. I had not noticed the (2) Molex and (1) SATA extra power connectors on the motherboard. All three of those must be plugged in to run more than 3 graphics cards. I had presumed the riser cards with their power adapters would do the trick, but apparently not.