Asrock P55 Extreme4 Win 7 drivers for Win 10?


May 23, 2016
Hey guys, so i'm wondering if it's okay to download the Win 7 drivers for my Motherboard, even though i'm running win 10?

The website of Asrock dosen't have any win 10 drivers.

Thx in Advance.
what drivers are you looking to download, normally if your running win 10 on an older board, (ie not support by win 10 by manufacturer) windows usually can identify everything about your motherboard to run it. loading win 7 drivers is not recommend at this time.

need more information from you
also if you go to search bar and type" device manager " if there are no items listed with a yellow or red triangle I don't see the point of changing drivers at this point to older win 7 drivers.

Hey, i have looked trough the Device manager, no warnings. And i'm thinking the typical Intel Chipset drivers, USB drivers, Sound and so on.
for intel driver set, jump to select support and detect hardware, very good app and if a proper hardware upgrade is needed over windows 10 drivers it will provide it. (usb driver's are based on motherboard chipset in this case intel), sound driver will depend on the hardware. ?