AsRock x58 extreme Debug code AA Question


Apr 3, 2010
My system specs are

PSU raidmax 430W real

cpu i7 930 (funny thing is that it should be a cpu of 2.8Ghz but in the utility that cammed with the mobo it says its clocked at 2.933Ghz , is this normal ? the app is asrock OC tuner , I personally didn't made any OC on my system cuz im running stock cooler and I'm new to OC )

mobo asrock x58 extreme

video 285 nvidia

auxiliary psu in a optic bay it has 300W link

ram 2 x2gb 1600Mhz ddr3 corsair (dual channel)

So i had a lot of problems before even getting it to send video signal to my monitor (lcd Benq ) apparently it didn't want to send signal till i connected a small mobo speaker from my previous p5k/epu mobo let alone boot in windows :[ .
before connecting the speaker i was getting errors like 01 b3 62 i think nvmd .... now that it boots and i can use my pc to 100% the DEBUG thing on the mobo shows the code AA witch the manual says its : "Uninstall POST INT1Ch vector and INT09h vector. Deinitializes the ADM module."

My question is what should i do cuz i don't understand what it's telling me to do :[ Pls help fellow PC Gurus :p


Mar 5, 2008
Whenever you have any problem, get your system back to normal. Turn off the OC.

Then start testing the various parts with memtest, Prime95 and whatever else you like.
But do the basics first....

Personally, I dont like these aux PSU's. One needs to balance out the current running over your power connectors. The specs say this thing has two wires? Will your system even run without this thing? Make sure the connectors are good - unplug and replug them.

Are all of the power connectors on the graphics card plugged in?


Apr 3, 2010
conectors are fine , read more carefully cuz u understood that i did some OC when i DIDN'T , i don't think rams have something to do with it .
My question is what does this message mean :
"Uninstall POST INT1Ch vector and INT09h vector. Deinitializes the ADM module."
I have seen a few others get that code before and it has always ended in returning the board and getting a new one. There is no info on what that code means the only ones who knows what it means is the engineers who made the dam board sorry and good luck.
I also have the ASRock X58 Extreme and also get the "AA" post code when the POST sequence is complete. I am able to use the mobo with all features and functionality with no issues or problems for over 10 months.

The manual is junk and basically useless.

The POST codes also depend on what version of the AMI BIOS the Extreme has. From what I can tell, it is the AMI BIOS Rev8.

The X58 Extreme is an ACPI 1.1 compliant mobo, as a result there are additional codes displayed during the POST sequence. Given this, the "AA" code that appears at the end of the POST sequence (before booting into the OS) is showing that the motherboard is running in ACPI mode.

The "AA" code is what you want to see.

The AMI REV8 POST codes are available at Post Code Masters and also at the AMI website.

Please note that when you read the POST code listing, there are two instances of "AA". One instance is the "Uninstall POST INT1Ch vector and INT09h vector. Deinitializes the ADM module" and the second is the "System is running in ACPI mode". If you also notice and watch with a keen eye, when the X58 Extreme goes through the POST sequence the "AA" code is displayed twice. The first time to references the "ADM module" and the second the "ACPI mode". Given that the POST sequence ends on "AA" and passes the sequence on to the boot loader (loads the OS), the "AA" displayed is the "ACPI mode" code. If the "AA" code displayed were the first code, the "ADM module" the POST sequence would be stuck there and would not pass the sequence on to the boot loader, the POST sequence would stop, and the OS would not load.

Hope this clears things up.

I have found the X58 Extreme to be an inexpensive, feature rich, stable, reliable motherboard with no issues or problems. I leave my computer running 24/7 for weeks at a time and it always works. The OC Tweaker settings in the BIOS make is super easy to get my DO 920 to 4GHz without problems. I think it's a great board that performs very well.
Just a note: the Utility reads 2.93GHz because of Intel's Turbo (google for info). The lowest increase of turbo is one higher multiplier than stock (which is always active) so except when power saving mode kicks it down very low, the lowest speed you will see a 2.8GHz chip is 2.93GHz. For example, my 2.66GHx always reads 2.8GHz when unOC'ed.


Aug 24, 2009

Thanks to the detailed explanation of some strange duality in AA codes chunkymonster has supplied in this thread, combined with my frustration with Asrock impairing my vision at 1:30 AM, I mistakenly clicked on a mispelled Google result, "APIC Mode??? What is that?" and lo, 3/4 of the way down the page, after existing confused APIC/ACPI mode posts, I found the above link taking me straight to the information I believe you seek, at the top of a page indicating the AA which has plagued my mind and my mobo for a year and a half is simply a driver issue, easily corrected in Windows, as I have just done, not 20 minutes ago.

In case there is confusion about which link, here it is again:


Jun 17, 2010

I recently started having the following problem. I have a Corsair 115 GB SSD for my OS on an Asrock x58 extreme motherboard. Yesterday, while playing COD I got a BSOD. I didn’t read it thinking it was referencing my video driver how ever it was more severe.
I can’t get windows to load now. The boot codes displayed on the mobo stops at code 75.
Which is” 75 – initialize Int-13 and prepare for IPL detection.” Quote from the mobo manual.
I am able to access the bios menu and I suspect it is either the mobo or the ssd that has the problem, but I'm leaning toward the ssd. The reason being I switched the SSD with OS and the Hard disk storage drive and the CD rom drive to all the ports and the ssd with the OS is the only one not detected anywhere in the bios boot screen. Not windows which does not boot up.
The bios menu detects the ram, CPU and mobo temps, CPU, etc correctly but no ssd. I would appreciate any advice you folks could offer me. Thanks