ı get a error code 10 and 15 on startup, fans spin for 2-3 seconds and system reboots to a infinite cycle. I get the code 15 right before the code 10 (maybe miliseconds but long enough to read.)
My system is:
i5 3570k
Z77 Extreme 6
GSkill Sniper 2x4
1 TB Caviar Black HDD
Tried to remove rams trying 1 stick at a time on all slots wih no success.
Removed GPU and HDD,
Reinstalled CPU and heatsink,nothing works.
Tried to remove all the rams, error code doesnt change.
I have no idea whats going on. Will replace the faulty part if i can identify it.
Wiating for your response.
Thank you.
ı get a error code 10 and 15 on startup, fans spin for 2-3 seconds and system reboots to a infinite cycle. I get the code 15 right before the code 10 (maybe miliseconds but long enough to read.)
My system is:
i5 3570k
Z77 Extreme 6
GSkill Sniper 2x4
1 TB Caviar Black HDD
Tried to remove rams trying 1 stick at a time on all slots wih no success.
Removed GPU and HDD,
Reinstalled CPU and heatsink,nothing works.
Tried to remove all the rams, error code doesnt change.
I have no idea whats going on. Will replace the faulty part if i can identify it.
Wiating for your response.
Thank you.