Origins is as much if not more about upgrading your gear as it is about play style. I played my first run through on Normal difficulty and I recall any horse combat was harder than I anticipated until I started gathering resources to upgrade my gear.
Don't worry about Hidden Blade upgrades early on, as they are generally used with stealth attacks and one hit all but the toughest of enemies.
Upgrade the Breastplate as it will boost your health points. Whether you upgrade the quiver or stabilizer glove will depend whether you like using the bow a lot. I put more emphasis on the Bracer, as it increases sword damage. The tool pouch again depends whether you use tools much, I didn't.
Just as important as upgrading gear is scavenging and leveling your weapons and shield. I didn't buy weapons on my Normal run through as good ones were plentiful just scavenging. Constantly check the stats of your weapons and shield after scavenging and swap out to the best you have, and sell or convert to resources the lower ones. I generally keep the top 3 levels of weapons just to make sure I don't accidentally lose my best ones. Plus some of the better ones that are colored purple or gold have really good extra stats, but those you won't encounter until later in the game.
Truth be told you really don't even have to level up your gear until near the end tougher battles if you scavenge a lot and keep swapping out to best ones. However the skill tree is NOT to be ignored. Skills like Overpower, or Shield Charge, or the Charge Heavy Attack where you charge your sword and deal a devastating blow make a BIG difference. Furthermore, look for weapons that have perks that assist them. For instance some swords charge very fast or even instantly for the heavy attack.
Now to combat strategy, what worked well for me was keeping a fast pace on the horse with shield up, using a shield with good arrow deflect stats, and striking them as I pass. Charged heavy attacks work well here, but Overpower is much stronger if you are close and locked on. The strategy I use is not to straight line charge bit to hit then immediately circle around. If you just pass straight by they will have better line of sight on you with arrows. You also need to keep your shield up, as Bayek can deflect arrows even behind him.
If you get into trouble taking damage, distance yourself until you recover and try to isolate them one at a time. On ground I usually use a shield attack, then regular or heavy charged attacks, though I usually save charged attacks and Overpower for tougher enemies, like those with shields or spears.
Don't be afraid to just quit the quest and come back to it after upgrading a bit though. It takes a fair bit of hunting at the start of the game, then a fair bit of convoy raiding once you get better gear. By then you should be able to handle tougher battles with more confidence and effectiveness. I generally do as much scavenging as I can when entering a new area by exploring all the ? on the map before engaging in main quests.
One thing many don't know about this game is if the numbers above the enemies, which designate their level, is red, it means they are above your level enough to be very tough to defeat. If they are red skulls it means it's not advisable for ANY skill level players to take them on.
I'm posting the following video not just as a combat example for this quest, but also an example of upgrades. Note the health bar has MANY segments on it because the breastplate has been upgraded a lot. Quite honestly I didn't think his combat methods at the start were very good, yet he prevailed due to adequate upgrades, which is the whole point of posting it. That said, his combat definitely improved and I have to credit him for taking on red numbered enemies.
It goes without saying to watch only until the point you've played if you do not want spoilers.