Assassins creed 4 crashes on startup - RadeonPro


Jan 25, 2016
To the AMD and RadeonPro experts out there...

I am having problems using RadeonPro. I want to use it to activate dymanic Vsync for gaming (especially for AC4) because I heard that it can improve frame rates and smoothness (currently the game is stuttering alot with my r9 380x card). The problem I have with RadeonPro is that the game is crashing on startup with the API monitoring enabled, but works fine with it disabled. I need it, however, to use dynamic vsync and triple buffering. Windows says that the .exe is not working and closes the game on startup. Any ideas what could be causing this? As far as I know I don't have any other overlays but I am not sure how to check. I am loading the game directly through Ubisoft.

Many thanks for your time!
First thing I would check is making sure all of your prerequisites are in shape: vcreds, .NET framework, etc. Once those are good (reinstalling would be good), try again and see what happens. A repair of the game might help as well.

Hi thejackal85,

Thanks for your input. I have just tried doing these things but to no avail. Any further suggestions?