Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag low fps with crossfire


Mar 23, 2013
Hey guys I just installed the game today on my rig with an i7 4770, 2x hd 7950 crossfired, and 8gb ram. I maxed out all the settings except putting aa at SMAA, I also turned off vsync because it was messing up my fps pretty bad.

Anyways in the city I'm getting an average of 50-55 fps with some dips down to the low 40's, is this normal for this game? I feel like I should be getting way better fps than this, any advice?
My GPUs are both running at 1180MHz. so that could be part of it.

What power supply do you have? What drivers?

EDIT : And I do not really know what part you are talking about. So its hard to compare.

I disabled crossfire in CCC and when I loaded the game in the same place in the city that I had the 50-55 avg fps my fps without crossfire was averaging between 33-39, also my gpu usage for one card was 99%. Why is mine so much lower than yours?

I have an XFX 850 Watt, latest beta drivers from AMD.

I'm roughly talking about the beginning of the game with the ship, then jungle, then the first town...with one gpu I'm getting 30-38 fps in the first 30 minutes of the game, while with two I am getting better. I tested all of the settings and with crossfire if I go from soft shadows (high) to very high shadows I get 55+ fps in all scenes including the jungle, if I enable soft shadows (high) in the jungle I have mins that go down to 45.

Also with crossfire I'm confused about the Ambient Occlusion option because with HBAO+ I can maintain my solidly high fps of 45-60 but if I switch it to SSAO (which I though was supposed to be less demanding) it will lower my fps a dramatic 17 fps!

Man this is confusing, I'm just trying to troubleshoot all of this because I like to make sure everything is ok on my end, I appreciate the help so far. BTW that clock is quite higher than mine, I'm at 880 mhz and 1200 or 1250 mem I can remember, but yea specifically the two cards that I have crossfired are the Powercolor Radeon 7950 pcs+ if that helps..



There's the picture of my settings, also, did you have any insight on why HBAO+ at high would be way less demanding than SSAO?

I do have it disabled, with it on my fps was like 15fps lower for some reason. What I find confusing is my performance when I turned off crossfire doesn't seem to match yours, one 7950 for me gave me a solid 35 fps during the intro part of the game with the ship battle and getting onto the beach, but with crossfire I went from 35 to an almost constant 60.

Just weird... seems like a different experience that what you guys are having.

I haven't tried them yet, I was on the latest beta, 13.11 I believe.. I thought the new whql version just came out today? I'm going to install them now and see what happens performance-wise.