ASUS 980 Ti Matrix Voltage Help


Mar 28, 2014
So I've been trying to overclock my new 980 Ti Matrix Platinum and for some reason the voltage doesn't go past 1.2120 in afterburner or GPU-Z even though I have it changed it completely refuses to work. I also can't get it to change the voltage to +X number in AB, it will only go up in increments of 12 even though I do +40 it will jump to +50 and still won't work. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling AB and the newest drivers multiple times and nothing, I don't really want to try to reseat the card because it's an extremely tight fit in my case. Any help would be appreciated.
Asus has a series of cards (i.e. Matrix) which can only have the Voltage unlocked with Asus's utility. Don't know if that one has the feature but many do. You'll need to use Asus GPU Tweak to unlock it of the feature is present

Example here on the 280x Matrix

Didn't think they would lock the voltage on this card since my MSI GTX 970 wasn't voltage locked, would you by any chance have a link to a custom 980 ti matrix bios?
Asus has a series of cards (i.e. Matrix) which can only have the Voltage unlocked with Asus's utility. Don't know if that one has the feature but many do. You'll need to use Asus GPU Tweak to unlock it of the feature is present

Example here on the 280x Matrix


I looked through the latest version of GPU Tweak II and the only voltage settings I see is for the memory and PEX_VDD. I don't think the PEX voltage is for the core because it only goes up to 1100 and I don't wanna mess with it unless someone knows what that does.