asus b350f mb

Jul 4, 2018
hi, im new to gaming setups.
my board is asus b350-f and I need to add a gpu to my system.
is it ok to add Nvedia or AMD RX series gpu?
what is the different.
cause my processor is ryzen 5 1600 is it better to go with AMD?
Please list all available hardware and budget you intend to spend as well as what you plan to do with the machine.
Whether you go for the green or red fraction does not make such a big difference. More important is that the GPU fits into your case, is not limited by the CPU, and your power supply and spacing in the case is sufficient.
Please list all available hardware and budget you intend to spend as well as what you plan to do with the machine.
Whether you go for the green or red fraction does not make such a big difference. More important is that the GPU fits into your case, is not limited by the CPU, and your power supply and spacing in the case is sufficient.

Thanks. GTX 1060 is quite popular at the moment and the price with around 250 bugs (the 6GB version) affordable. This GPU is good for high FPS in Full HD gaming and would be my recommendation for you. Take any of the models with a dual fan solution.
The money you saved you can keep for your next build.