My bios is pixelated Pc run normal Why -?? Specs i7 4770 16gb ram Savage red 1600mhz 2XSSD 850 evo Asus Strix gtx 1060 6gb Asus B85M-G motherboard PSU super flower Silver 550W .
Graphical artifacting in BIOS is generally a sign of a faulty graphics card. I would shut down the PC and hook the monitor up to the video port on the motherboard and see if BIOS looks normal on startup. If it does then the graphics card is the cause of the issue.
Graphical artifacting in BIOS is generally a sign of a faulty graphics card. I would shut down the PC and hook the monitor up to the video port on the motherboard and see if BIOS looks normal on startup. If it does then the graphics card is the cause of the issue.