Asus Debuts ROG MARS 760 Dual-GPU Graphics Card

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So they just lunched, 2 years late (give or take), a GTX670x2. And even more, with just 2GB per GPU?

Asus, I really like your products, but come on... If you price it in GTX780 territory this will earn a recommended, but otherwise, forget it. Don't waste your time on this product.

If this card has 2GB per GPU, then please don't describe it by saying it has
a total of 4GB because that's very misleading. The total visible to the user
& system is still just 2GB, thus it's a 2GB card. Marketing madness is bad
enough these days; don't make it worse by adding to the manufacturer spin.


I like it a la gtx 460x2 outperform the top of the line signle card by a fair amount yet come in cheaper.

But considering that 760's can be found as low as 220 this better be a good deal but we will likely see it at 500.
The maximum renderable for each frame is 2GB, so although we have 2 x 2GB cards in SLI, each game frame is limited to 2GB. Just like my GTX 690. Damn! Still, if the price is right....
why use cut down version of GK104 on MARS line up? isn't that MARS is for ultimate dual gpu version asus made for nvidia? like GTX295 MARS that based on GTX285 x2 instead the 275/260 hybrid used in regular GTX295. AFAIK they should use GK110B x2 and called it as 790 MARS
Considering BF4 on ultra will use up 2GB of video memory at 1920x1080, I can't see this being a particularly useful card for the long term.

Wrong. The 760 Ti is an OEM-only card. In fact, that card has been out. Alienware sells it.
if it's gonna end up around 500 dollars I'd rather buy a gtx 780. In raw gps numbers yes the dual gtx 760 will be a bit more horsepower. But is that extra bit of horsepower worth the hassle of dual gpu's and the issues that come with them. For me the answer is no, I always buy the most powerful single gpu I can afford rather than 2 smaller gpu's.

Depends on the games one is playing, resolution, desired degree of detail, etc.

I had two 560 1GB Tis (900MHz) and although performance was very good
(easily matching a 670), the VRAM was occasionally limiting, and combined
they couldn't quite let me max everything out in Crysis2. Hence, I switched to
two 580s which really does kick up the performance by a good margin (faster
than a 780).

I suppose it boils down to what one regards as an acceptable performance
improvement when doing an upgrade, and that's affected by numerous
factors, eg. no point changing the GPU if one's CPU is a bottleneck. Without
a doubt though, assuming no bottlenecks elsewhere, a modern GPU such
as a 780 will be at least double the speed of a 560Ti, unless you're playing
old games which rely on older DX9 features, or a game that's incredibly CPU
bound such as X3TC.


I agree with the other posters regarding the memory. 4GB per GPU then perhaps, but just 2GB? Nope. With custom textures and big open landscapes that 2GB just doesn't do it anymore. rather throw another gtx 760 ftw in my rig and get that 4gb. Games are going to start needing it. You can bet that, anything in the 2gb range amd you're going to have to crank them textures down.

I did watch the hole video, well thank you for the video review my friend but I still can't find it to buy it online am really sad 🙁
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