Asus Dropping Windows RT to Focus on Intel-based Windows 8

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I'm taking this as good news. There is not place for Windows RT when efficient x86-64 CPUs are coming out with Bay Trail. I do wish to see more tablet with AMD processors tho.

They trashed Windows 7? Really? Does it no longer work on your PC or something?

Windows 7 is still there for you to use. If you like it, use it. Is it really that simple? I've become a big fan of Windows 8 for its merger of classic desktop with tablet OS, letting me pick which capacity I want to use my Acer Iconia W700 in - because, frankly, Windows 7 sucks on mobile devices and Metro sucks on desktop devices. Having a button that lets me switch between them in less than a second is an *awesome* mobile solution.

Would you want to take that away from me and people like me when there is a perfectly functional Windows 7 that you love to use and in doing so stick us using nothing but the extremely poorly designed (for mobile) desktop on a Windows tablet?
MS only made windows RT to make cheap tablets but they should have know anyone who is a windows user would not accept a crippled version of the OS they use
Funny thing is, there are no cheap RT tablets. Nothing wrong with RT, it just does not offer anything over W8, when even the price points are same/similar. Surface RT is cheaper now that it did not sell, but is still not better value spec wise than Android.
Don't be a fool. Microsoft is now pushing Windows 8 for the desktop or haven't you comprehended that yet?

stevejnb - so you agree Win8 is a tablet OS, fine, I don't think anyone would disagree with you. But it suks the big dog on anything else, um, because not EVERYTHING is a tablet. Simple logic and common sense tells that. Why do you think Apple has OSX and IOS? One is for tablets and the other for a desktop.

Yes, they are. Once you hit the desktop button... You get the desktop. Or haven't you and the "desktop legions" got that yet?
MS has failed across the board. It's ARM based/RT platform was a couple years late. It's Win 8 is not popular either. People can come on here and say how the rest of us "should" like Win 8 but that isn't changing our opinion and the sales of the product clearly show that the public is not satisfied with it. A company should care about sales.....


Actually, no, I didn't say that nor do I agree with it. Android is a tablet OS. WIndows RT is a tablet OS. Windows 8 is essentially two OS's with a button to switch between them. If you like Windows 7, if you like the desktop, you hit the big button labeled "Desktop" and it immediately switches you to a fully functional Windows 7 style desktop. The thing is, there are devices that work very well in both capacities now - that you can use a tablet on the go, or plug into a monitor/keyboard/mouse when you settle in and it can function as a desktop. Windows 8 is essentially two OS's, with a button that switches between them. My experience is, desktop users REALLY hate hitting that button.

To me, this OS is the best of both worlds, and any inconvenience I experience with it on my non-touchscreen laptop is *minor* at most. Literally, I start up, hit desktop, and I forget Metro existed. Most of you make it out to be forcing you back to Metro every 13 seconds, but, that's a simple fallacy which many of you like to sound like it's the norm.

And I'll say it again... If you hate it so much, use Windows 7. People are still using XP for cripes' sake - Windows 7 is still alive and well and you can buy it all over the place. If you hate Windows 8, don't use it.

I don't think you should like Windows 8. Feel free to use XP and 7 if you want. 8 sales are slower than 7's, no question, but there are literally millions out there who find it just fine, and also millions who like others MS OS's better. What boggles my mind is, rather than using the OS's they like more, they insist on bitching and pissing and moaning about an OS that does something rather unique in the OS world and some of us like, but clearly isn't for everyone.

Don't like Windows 8? Use Windows 7 - it's still there and available. Windows 8 does some things which are VERY handy for a new class of device, and frankly, I'm happy it does. Stick me with Windows 7 and touch screens are garbage. Stick me with Windows 8 and I have a well optimized interface for touch screens and a well optimized interface for mouse/keyboard, less than a second apart with the click of the "desktop" button.
M$ pushing Windows 8, in general, down the public's throat was a bad idea. Steve Ballmer seems to make only bad decision at M$.

I will use Windows 7. Windows 8.1 did not put the start button back. I noticed (and I could be wrong) that there is no My Computer. This is a problem for me working with multiple hard drives and backups.

I am concerned about the future of Windows. More and more people in Oregon here are buying Macs. The general public in our county is that they cannot use Windows 8 because it's difficult to use. I am with them. I work on computers for a living and cannot stand using 8.
Instead of making a Windows OS that is so different that you have to re-learn how to use your computer again is not wise. M$ just needs to make something like Windows 7 better and Windows 8 is not it....

PS: I have done a record amount of PC builds this year with Windows 7. Hello...
Total agreement here -- while there are a few "oddballs" out there that actually like Windows 8, I have not yet met one and the marketing studies say that they are uncommon beasts.

I've "downgraded" many desktop OS installs to 7 for the normal folks that want simple and traditional Windows without recreating the wheel. Sadly, MS has not yet seen the light, but they will, sales are not good. The masses do not want the thing called 8 on their desktops, and apparently based on sales figures on their tablets either. Nonetheless, there will always be fanboys.

Lol, thats what happens when you burn all your OEM's in one move. Even the loyal ones have no incentive to stay. i mean how can they compete with a BOM that is higher than microsoft? At this point i doubt many would want to make a WARTy tablet even if microsoft handed out the OS for free.
again no one here has ever used or bought one to comment on how good one of these devices actually are

i have owned one and once you use it you totally forget about the fact it cannot run Windows applications and i dont care because its a tablet

these things are 1000x more useful compared to any iPad or Android device

the downside is there more expensive then all the other tablets yes, and that is the downfall unfortunatly
Too bad it seems windows rt is biting the dust it seems. I think the issue is that they just never hit the right price point for an OS that won't run everything a normal windows laptop would. I think something along the lines of $250 for a win rt laptop to compete directly with the chromebooks would be winner, but it seems like everyone is trying to push touchscreens which increase the price dramatically instead.
RT can only succeed if it has a good app store. I think Microsoft was too early with RT - as they should have first allowed the Xbox One to release, make sure it was super easy to port between Windows 8 Metro, Xbox One, and RT cross platform. That would be the "killer feature" - no emulation required as most of the codebase would remain the same.

That is, in my opinion the only way RT can succeed - as there aren't any must have RT devices on the market and third parties aren't interested in changing much about their product lineup, except slapping RT on the same device that normally hosts Android.

@BringMeAnother - I have to agree on that note.
You might want to try this free virtual mouse software in the desktop mode. It allows you to use the touchscreen as a mouse for more precise movement of cursor when you do not have a mouse available.

This could potentially helps with a lot of desktop woe when using Windows 8 on a touch screen only tablet. So far I have found using this for certain tasks has helped a lot, compare to having to struggle to find the precise spot to click on a certain item on screen.

You say you are an IT professional yet, evidently the only way you know how to access your "multiple hard drives" in windows is to click Start > My Computer. Real IT professionals use Windows key + E to open WINDOWS EXPLORER and are "accessing their drives" before you mouse even gets across the screen to the start menu. I can understand "end users" complaining about not knowing how to get thing done in Windows 8. They are, after-all, end users and are terrified of exploring how to do things on their own, or Google how to do things for that matter. Anytime I hear an "IT Professional" tell me Windows 8 is hard to use or complain about the missing start menu, it reveals to me 1 of 2 things about this individual. 1) They haven't used windows 8 at all / they haven't used it for more than a few minutes such as on someone else's system. 2) They are a poor IT Professional, stuck in their old ways and unwilling to explore the cutting edge; most likely one of those older IT guys that uses a mouse to do everything rather than hotkeys and takes 3 times longer to get anything done on a PC compared to any typical 15 year old kid these days. Any REAL IT Professional using Window 8 for any extended amount of time knows about the Windows key + X hotkey, which essentially replaces the start menu with a context menu containing the only things relevant to any power user of Windows.

Windows key + X > C brings up a command prompt window faster than Windows 7 could ever dream of.
Need to open command prompt with elevation? Windows key + X > A.
System Properties? Windows key + X > Y.
Computer Management? Windows key +X > G.

These are all things that can be done faster in Windows 8 than previously possible in Windows 7, but it doesn't matter because you already weren't doing things the fastest, most efficient way possible in Windows 7 as it is. Windows key + R still opens the run prompt BTW, though, again, it doesn't matter because you probably weren't using that hotkey in Windows 7, Vista, or XP before that anyway.
I don't blame them. Atom tablets have dropped to where some of them are cheaper than their RT cousins. Why get the version that runs less software that costs $50-100 cheaper? It might not perform as well, however, you don't need even that much to run a lot of the tablet functions like email and web browsers.

Also, if you are a company with a highly-successful program that's riddled with old Win32 API code, then you would also be hesitant to port your software over to RT. There's a lot of the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" mentality in the software industry. Sometimes it's for good reason, but other times it's because of politics and arguments.
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