Asus F556U fan vent location

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Jan 23, 2018
My laptop appears to be overheating, does anyone know where to blow the compressed air or how to disassemble the bottom?

Laptops can get warm on the outside due to heat transfer and vents but still be well within normal temp range. Run HWMonitor while using the system when it gets warm and check what the max temps get to.

You can still open it and check the fans and vents though, can't hurt to make sure they are clean.

I'm fairly certain it's overheating, as it is very warm. I shall look up that video now, thank you for the help.

Laptops can get warm on the outside due to heat transfer and vents but still be well within normal temp range. Run HWMonitor while using the system when it gets warm and check what the max temps get to.

You can still open it and check the fans and vents though, can't hurt to make sure they are clean.
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