Asus fx504gm vs Omen 15 ce005nl

Sep 20, 2018
Hello everybody
I want to buy a gaming a laptop but I am a little bit confused

I saw the omen 15-ce005nl wich has an i7 7700hq and a gr8 force gtx 1060 6gb.

Also I saw an Asus fx504gm wich has an i5 8300h and a gr8 force gtx 1060 3gb

Now I red on various websites that the omen mount the gtx 1060 max q wich is less powerful than the normal 1060

Could someone please confirm that this omen has the max q gpu?

Also I wonder if the Asus has the proper 1060 gpu

That would be 3GB of VRAM, not RAM. Dedicated GPUs don't share system memory (RAM). Only ones that are integrated with the CPU (APU) do.

You have to understand the only reason Max Q came about is some laptops still don't have adequate cooling solutions. If it were me, I'd try to find a laptop with decent cooling that has a non Max Q version of 1060 6GB.
Max q is going to perform lower than a standard 1060 6gb, but how much lower depends on the laptop's cooling. The reason is the clock speed on max q is set in accordance with how efficient the laptop brand/model cools.

To further complicate things, you are comparing a 6GB max q 1060 in one laptop, to a 3gb 1060 non max q in another, and 1060s vary in more than VRAM between the 6gb and 3gb models.

The only thing clear is the 8300h easily beats the 7700hq due to roughly 500MHz higher turbo (all core turbo).

In general, the max q loses to the non max q, on higher graphics settings, but wins on lower settings. That's IF you compare like models (both 6 gb).

If you compare a well ventilated max q to a 3gb non max q though, especially in a lesser ventilated unit, the performance is going to be pretty close I would think.

As for whether that HP Omen 15 ce005nl has Max Q, pretty sure all the new 15 model Omens do.

The word "proper" depends what you call a proper 1060. Not long ago a proper 1060 for gaming meant the 6GB version vs the 3GB version. Now Max Q is thrown into the mix, and like I said, there is no standard for what clock speed a Max Q is. It's purely a matter of how good a cooling solution the brand/model of laptop that has a Max Q is equipped with. THAT's what determines the Max Q clock speed.

Lastly, I was not able to find any 1060 Max Q vs 1060 3GB comparisons. The best you can do is look at Max Q 1060 6GB vs standard 1060 6GB comparisons, but even then, I've only seen a Dell model with Max Q in such a test, which is probably best case scenario due to it's efficient cooling.

You'd be looking at that plus 1060 6Gb vs 1060 3GB comparisons, and taking a stab at what it all translates to as far as what brands/models you're looking at, and how well they're cooled.

1060 6GB vs 1060 Max Q 6GB

1060 6GB vs 1060 3GB

Lastly, you also have to factor in what games are being played at what resolution, because the more demanding games, especially at high resolution, will likely require lower settings, and Max Q performs better at Med and lower settings, but worse at higher settings, while a standard 1060 6GB performs better at high to Ultra settings, but worse on lower settings.

I know that may be confusing to you, but that is because you're asking for a comparison that is atypical, and involves a GPU that has a wide range of clock speeds based on the cooling efficiency of the laptop it's in. It would help if there were any tests out there that compare a Max Q 1060 6GB to a 1060 3GB, but as I said I haven't been able to find any.

Another thing
Do the new omen omen mount all a q max?
Because some old model when I check on the hp website it says that the gpu card is a 1060A while the most recent model like the omen 15 ce033nl says 1060 without the A.
I wonder what this A stands for.

Also I think that even if the Asus has a better cpu and the classic 1060 laptop with 3gb of ram maybe would be better to take the omen.
I found the 15 ce033nl wich costs 100 euro more than the Asus
I would like a product that lasts me years and allow me to play in full hd on the laptop with modern games and ultra settings with more than 30 fps.
That would be 3GB of VRAM, not RAM. Dedicated GPUs don't share system memory (RAM). Only ones that are integrated with the CPU (APU) do.

You have to understand the only reason Max Q came about is some laptops still don't have adequate cooling solutions. If it were me, I'd try to find a laptop with decent cooling that has a non Max Q version of 1060 6GB.