ASUS G53JW and NVidia 460M Display Issue


Feb 4, 2010
I have an ASUS g53jw laptop, 12GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX 460M card, Windows 64bit Ultimate.

The laptop was functioning just fine until recently, when all of a sudden I started getting artifacts (white squares, pinkish color on window headings, etc.). Rebooting did not help. No new software was added. I was running driver 296.16, at native resolution (1980x1080 60Hz, 32bit color).

I updated the driver to the latest from nVidia. Got a blue screen of death, and downgraded back (clean install).

The issue persisted, so I downgraded my color depth to 16 bit, where it seems ok (for now).

Given that nothing has changed in the laptop configuration, what could be the issue - the card, the display, the temp (it is running between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius, so up to 140 F)? CPU and drive are not running hot. I am running a browser (perhaps, too many tabs open, but that was always the case), an email client, and a remote desktop. So, no gaming, nothing too graphics intensive....

Any ideas on where to look??? This is my "workhorse" laptop, so I would prefer if I did not have to replace it (reinstalling everything is a nightmare)...

Thank you in advance!


Harey Turtle

Mar 8, 2013