Asus g703vi and 240 hz monitor

Mar 15, 2018
Hello everyone, i own asus g703vi with cpu:7820 hk, gpu:1080 gtx ram:32 gb, i am using external 240 hz monitor alienware aw2518h as primary monitor,i need some help to figure out why i cannot reach stable 240 fps in league of legends,ive tried updating all drivers using ddu windows creator update and some tweaks(not messing up with registry) and ingame settings but the most that i pulled out is 240 down to 175,i suppose that is riots fault because ive tried overwatch and i got on high graphics 220- 239 stable fps,forgot to mention that the laptop is factory pre-overclocked,any opinion or suggestion?.ty for your time :)

It's not just the video card core speed, it's the output on your laptop that may not be able to run at 240hz, but you seem to be talking about just your FPS not the actual refresh rate the monitor runs on correct?

Did you try it on the laptop screen at the same resolution and see how it runs.

I think that a gtx 1080 can handle a 240 hz monitor pretty well,besides its league of legends a gtx 1080 is an overkill,but the strange thing is that ive used msi afterburner cpu and gpu meters for temp and working load and i noticed that the temps are fine but the working load of gpu is at 8% and single core usage at 75% to 95% because lol is cpu depended

It's not just the video card core speed, it's the output on your laptop that may not be able to run at 240hz, but you seem to be talking about just your FPS not the actual refresh rate the monitor runs on correct?

Did you try it on the laptop screen at the same resolution and see how it runs.