ASUS G75VW just shut down while I was working on it, won't start again.

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Jan 18, 2016
I've seen this kind of problem mentioned a couple of times, but I have no idea how to do any of the suggested solutions as the 1/2 second or so that the power light is on offers me no option to access anything. I was typing away on a document when it just shut itself off. I thought it was a Win Upgrade issue and it would boot right up but it never booted again. Fortunately, I had a full backup so I've been using my older G72GX for now. I just want to know how to access anything, BIOS, CMOS, etc., when I can't get it to power on long enough to even press a button.

For the record, I have a Samsung EVO SSD installed for the OS.

Thanks for any assistance :)


Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help.
- Start by doing a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then see if it will boot up normally.
- Next to try is to boot the laptop without it's battery and just connected with it's AC adapter.
- If it doesn't boot all the way up do reseat the RAM's, remove them all for couple of seconds then put them back in making sure all RAM are seated properly.
- Also test the AC adapter if it's supplying enough voltage to power the laptop or better yet try another AC adapter that has the same voltage.
- If all these will not work and will still continue to shutdown by itself that means its the motherboard that is faulty.
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