I found a pretty nice gaming monitor made my Asus, I would like to know if it is worth the price and if I should get it, or if you know a different one I should get. Here is the monitor: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-monitor-vg248qe the pc I am going to be building is here: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Linkin506/saved/TtVgXL the monitor has 144hz so it displays 144 fps for games, I think my pc should be able to get a pretty high amount of fps for some games, but the newer games only around 60 fps, so I don't know if it is worth getting that high of a speed. If you guys think it is worth the price, or if you think I should get a different one, please let me know. I would also like to know if the picture will look nice, I know it isn't an ips monitor, but if the quality will still look nice, it has an 80,000,000:1 contrast ratio, I am not too sure if that is any good. Anyway, what do you guys think, is it worth the $250 and the performance will be noticeable for gaming, or is it over priced and I should get a cheaper one and lower refresh rate? thanks to anyone who is able to help!