Asus gtx 970 poor fps

Jul 3, 2018
so i have a Asus 970 gtx card and it seems to be underperforming from what i can see when i look on youtube. I barley get 60 frames on pubg on all low settings, battlefield 1 i also barley get 60 on low setting, however on youtube i see people getting 100+ ?

Specs 8gb ram - 1tb HDD - I7 3770 non K version - psu 500w - cant remember the motherboard but it wasnt a high end one, gigabyte that supports 3.0

can anyone help?
Goto Gigabyte website and dl the last possible chipset drivers for the mobo. Recent windows upgrades will mess with fps. Audio, Lan, USB family etc are very important. If you haven't already, make sure you have the last bios posted.

It's not the gpu killing your fps, it's the cpu.

What driver are you using? Try getting the newest one.

Also try cleaning our your graphics card's cooler, it may be full of dust and may be over heating.

Your GPU drivers, and I don't think the ram would be the issue as long as you have 8 or 16 gb's of ram that's at least 1600mhz or faster.
Goto Gigabyte website and dl the last possible chipset drivers for the mobo. Recent windows upgrades will mess with fps. Audio, Lan, USB family etc are very important. If you haven't already, make sure you have the last bios posted.

It's not the gpu killing your fps, it's the cpu.