ASUS GTX 970 STRIX one fan spins


Jun 13, 2015
So recently I noticed my ASUS GTX 970 STRIX was being loud so I poked my head around in my case and I noticed my outer-most fan was not spinning, but the fan closest to the card's I/O was. I was able to temporarily fix this by taking the card out of the PCIe slot and putting it back in, but that only lasted about 10 minutes. Sort of poking the fan to give it some help to spin up didn't help either. My guess is the fan isn't getting power or something along those lines, but I'm not sure. This card is 9 months old BTW.
Kicking the speed up to 100% got the other fan spinning and I was able to lower the fan speed from there with it still going, but the fan nearest to the I/O is still spinning at full. It seems that I can only modify the speed of the outer fan. Also, after a reboot from fully shutting down my PC and letting it cool off I'm able to modulate both fans, but once it heats up the fan near the I/O throttles up on its own while the outer one stays at what I set it to.
Alright. I updated everything but the problem still persisted. BUT, downgrading to the 344.16 Nvidia driver did fix it and now I'm back to sweet silence. So it seems here the solution would be to downgrade until a new driver is released to fix this. Thanks for the help too! Much appreciated!
I had also same problem. New asus strix gtx970 was fine couple of days. Then I just experimented chassis airflow improvements and installed the card on second pcie slot leaving the first pcie slot empty. With that setup the first fan closer to io ports spinned right from the beginning with full speed. Then I switched the card back to original slot. Same problem. I had the secondary pc with older strix gtx750ti so I swapped the the cards between the pcs. Then I installed 970 back to pc and it was just fine.