asus h81m-r, constantly loud fan like high speed, its new psu, no control in bios


Apr 4, 2017
asus h81m-r, constantly loud fan like high speed, its new psu, no control in bios?
In Bios in normal mode it says CHA_FAN N/A
Also ina dvanced monitor mode Chassis Fan is N/A, and only control I see is the lowest RMP for Chassis Fan, which is set to 600 RMP.

I just bought it, EZCOOL 550W

Bios is basically like this one

Even if I change where it says CHA_FAN ... N/A to Silent, nothing happens. FAN is same loud, same speed.
just the way it is. If you can take it back its prob best to do so.
Have a look at the stickied PSU thread on these forums for recommended PSUs in your budget.
i think ezcool is in the 'do not buy' category. bad psus can wreck your gear.

I dont think it can harm anything, its just made to run at high speed constantly probably.
not the fan, a cheap low quality psu failing and taking out other components with it.

Youre upset by the noise, its a cheapo psu that could fail tomorrow and i wouldn't be alone in suggesting to take it back if that option is available.

(For clarity, i was trying to be polite. I wouldnt touch that thing with a 1000ft pole. DANGER WILL ROBINSON!)
There are *still* EZBURN PSUs floating around? I hadn't come across one of those bits of garbage in years. Last time I saw one it had Canicon capacitors, which I think are filled with grape jelly, and looked like it had been soldered by someone having a seizure.

Return to sender, though if you can eat the money, I'd just recycle it and get it out of circulation.