Asus Hyper 4x NVMe Adapter Appears Online

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TAKESHI7 4 hours ago
I just had an autoplaying - unmuted ad. Very noisy, very disappointing.

This video has autoplayed, unmuted for the past maybe for 6-8 weeks. I always have to go up and stop it. They have some code that ignores ABP, StopFlash, and DisableHTML5, really disappointing!

Use uBlock. It doesn't completely remove the ad, but it stop autoplay, at least.
I'm hoping ASUS lets this work with AMD X399 & EPYC. AMD just announced support for bootable NVMe RAIDs. It would be a shame to have this very vendor locked because of Intel; would be extremely limited in regards to people buying it. I don't mind the HighPoint but I love this piece much more; black PCB, nice fan placement, nice heatsink cover, activity LEDs in the back, right size, etc. As a gamer, content creator, homelabber and general enthusiast wanting fun builds I want this to be less "locked" and available for AMD systems.
Good article for a useful product. I can think of the M.2 cards I'd like to place in this product, & the specific mobo I'd use it on, though for my needs it'd be overkill even if i could afford them. Someday, perhaps...
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