Asus laptop Screen works only when Plugged in

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Jun 25, 2017
My Asus laptop Screen works only when Plugged in and goes blank when running on battery.
In blank state, i can see the faint texts.
Please help, what might be the problem.
On many laptops you control the backlight level with a key combination usually involving holding down the special function key (Fn usually located on the bottom left of the keybd) and one of the F-keys, the one with a brightness up symbol is what you would be looking for.
Often the symbol looks like what is seen here on the F6 key
On many laptops you control the backlight level with a key combination usually involving holding down the special function key (Fn usually located on the bottom left of the keybd) and one of the F-keys, the one with a brightness up symbol is what you would be looking for.
Often the symbol looks like what is seen here on the F6 key

I tried this but the display still won’t work. My brightness is all the way up. I can see barely anything when it’s unplugged. Any other solutions?
Time for a new backlight usually. newer laptops have LEDs for a backlight that do not usually need replacement so for one with LED backlighting I would suggest having it serviced.

Older laptops used mini florescent tubes which often a user can replace themselves.

For further assistance. Please create your own support thread and include the make and model# from the label on the bottom (sometimes inside the battery compartment). Thank you.
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