Asus Lists 990FX Motherboards with FX-9000 CPU Support

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Aug 26, 2011
Does that mean AMD is actually releasing the CPU to retail? I would sill like to see the benchmarks on it, but given the price of the chip I for one would not be in the market for it. At this point it would be better to just stick with one of the 8000 series or wait for the next series of CPUs coming down the line.

The TDP and power usage is insane. Its worse than even Netbursts highest clocked CPU (3.8GHz which was a paltry 65W)

Its almost 3x that of a 4770K and its performance is not better enough to justify the price it launched at or even the supposed price cut.

Its a over priced, higher binned FX-8350 overclocked to the top end of its overclocking range. Save some of that money and buy a better GPU or a larger SSD.


Jun 16, 2007
Well at least you will know who is easy to scam. If they have a system with the fx 9000 series CPU, then feel free to up the price of goods and services, and justify it by being creative with your wording.

"Hey you need this pack of 20 disposable cups, they may cost $500 but I assure you they are worth it. Unlike the competition from small companies like dixie who who injection mold the polyethylene terephthalate at 500f, we use special special polarized electricity which gives us a higher quality 500f for our injection molding machines, so you can be sure that you are getting the highest quality disposable cups.

Order now and we will even throw in a throw in a free sticker!"

I really wonder who is insane enough to buy that crap.

I am currently stuck with my Phenom II x6 1075t, and my next upgrade will be a new motherboard and either a core i5 or core i7CPU.

Most of the people who I know that stuck with AMD were budget users where at a select few price points they offer better performance for the money, and the others with the 8 pseudo core CPU, got it as an upgrade from a CPU like a Phenom II x4 955, and didn't want to spend the money on a new motherboard along with the CPU.

With AMD's latest offerings and their announcement that they are dumping the idea of making CPU's that offer good performance, in favor of the entry level APU crap. There is no reason to upgrade any further on AM3+, and users of it will likely have a stronger push to move to intel.

AMD needs to let go of their unwarranted pride, and accept the fact they they F'ed up with the latest FX crap, and start over, and release a CPU with better ipc and real cores, and not the core module crap that is really just a better version of hyper threading.

Some may say it is not, but I disagree, and I will continue to until it no longer shares the same flaws as hyperthreading.

If 2 similar tasks fall on a single core module, then the shared parts bottleneck the performance and while you get better performance than a single core, IPC is sacrificed in both "cores"


Jul 14, 2007

So what you are saying is you want a CPU that handles 1990's software better? I might have a Pentium 200MMX around somewhere...


Jun 16, 2007
No, what I am saying is that AMD needs to get rid of the fx crap and create a new CPU that has an IPC that is similar to other modern CPU. AMD stopped increasing the IPC of their CPU's with the phenom II, and they never recovered from it in any of their fx CPU's. Even their latest fx generation has a lower IPC than the phenom II.

Their insanely overpriced fx 9000 series crap fixes none of the fundamental flaws with the fx line of CPU.

Even tomshardware came to this conclusion when they did a set of benchmarks with a few generations of AMD and Intel CPU's set to 3 GHz and benchmarked.

The vast majority of software today is still single threaded. This is why intel is performing better by such a large margin compared to the AMD chips across most real world test, but not as much with fully multithreaded synthetic test.

Most games that use use multiple threads, are not fully multithreaded. instead different parts of the game are handled by different cores. This is why you encounter CPU bottlenecks that clearly show in benchmarks for many games that tomshardware will benchmark, even though those games are not reaching 100% usage, at most you may get a single core being maxed out, and that specific core is the bottleneck that is handling a non multithreaded element of the game engine.

The only truly multithreaded applications that are accessible to most people, are encoders where all cores are working on the same task of encoding frames from one format to another. Other than that all other multithreaded applications are partially multithreaded in that there are parts of the application which can only use a single thread, meaning if the AI processing in the game is too much for 1 core to handle, it will not use an additional core to handle the AI, instead it will max out that core and leave the others underutilized.

This is why in most applications, a modern core i5 or i7 will beat a modern FX CPU, even core i5's that lose out in all multithreaded synthetic test.

Pretty much all synthetic test are not getting real work done, they are sending the same task to each core, and so few programs do that. even photoshop fails to do that. and a program like adobe after effects fails to do it on everything but encoding. (even maya, 3ds max, solid works, and autoCAD fail to make use of multiple cores until you render something or perform a physics simulation)


Jan 24, 2010
Interesting. While the merits of 9xxx FX chips is beyond questionable at the current price point, this does suggest possible FX chips in the future in line with the drastic 9xxx price drop in certain regions. Honestly, an 8320 is the only price-performance piece from AMD right now, but it doesn't seem a wise investment given socket and roadmap at this point. 9xxx isn't bringing much more to the table that can't be obtained by an 8320. Good news for me I suppose (8320 in my rig, fantastic performance/value), and the possibility at a another meaningful CPU upgrade before this socket/MOBO is EOL.


May 27, 2011
Lets get real, AMD released those expensive CPUs for the diehard AMD fans. It is a toy/bragging right to have the best AMD CPU out there, at least to some it is. It is really not as serious as the comments are making it. It is a bit ridiculous with its TDP and price, but oh well don't buy one and move on.


Dec 10, 2008
Went from AMD 1100T to FX 8350 because like someone else mentioned - didn't want to replace my MB just for CPU upgrade. Still not on par with the i7's but for the price I can't argue the performanc from AMD on this. The FX 9000 series is a no go since price paid will get you one rather nice system with i7 or SSD/GPU etc.


Jan 21, 2012
By introducing the 9000 series they have add more life into their 8000 and 6000 series. I was going to build my next pc using the 8350 and noticed the prices jump up and stay steady at $200 ever since the 9000 was introduced, it pumped life into a series that was declining. I am rethinking using any more AMD's in my systems and might just move with the rest of the world to Intel, it has been a great ride and I enjoyed every minute of it starting from their 386 series back in the day, good luck to you all still on AMD I wish you all the best but so far I don't see AMD coming up with anything better.


Jan 24, 2010

I normally don't care too much about TDP discussions when discussing desktops, (it's normally simply fanboy fuel to slight whatever discrete graphics option or cpu said camp doesn't want to admit is win), the TDP on these things are ridiculous. For 150 bucks you an already get this performance on an 8320/8350 with a nice air cooler like Noctua D14. For most applications this isn't really even worth it though. Gamers are bottlenecked by their GPUs.

It is funny that AMD released an overpriced piece obseleted over a year ago by the 8320/8350 BE...but Intel does that all the time and doesn't get raked over the coals for it. AMD does it once (for whatever reason) and 'it's the end'. It's just a poorly considered part. On a side note, there do appear to be 83xx and 9xxx FX chips to appear in the future. Hopefully AM3+?

I did want to touch on this bias once more: When NVIDIA chips were TDP cows and ran super hot, no one cared in comparison to ATI parts because they were 10 percent faster yet 100 percent more expensive. When phenoms were killing everything Intel had to offer at 1/3 the price point and while overpriced garbage acted as little skillets on your mobo, no one cared then either. There is a heavy bias here. This part admittedly makes no sense, but it's kinda not even worth discussing as it isn't flagship and not representative of the FX line.

So where do you order the "pack of 20 disposable cups" from?


Sep 13, 2013
Alright, I see a lot of people freaking out about the price point. Without divulging too much, I can tell you that rumors of $500 for the 9370 and $800 for the 9590 are just that. The pricing will most likely be comparable to 4th gen i7's, and all of the gnashing of teeth about the cost is a waste of enamel.

I'm running the 9370 on the Sabertooth with a Cooler Master V8, and it runs coolly and quietly. The performance is great, and I haven't even messed with overclocking it yet. If you have any questions, hit me up, but liquid cooling and a 1200W PSU being listed as necessities is ridiculous.

still the 9370 is still way over priced for 4.4 ghz you can get a 8320 for 150 or less nnew and overclock it to the same speed. yes the 9370 might overclock better but still. best clocks for the 8320 seem to be about 4.7ghz. any more the vcore needs to be cranked way higher.

as far as liquid cooling it is necessary if you plan on folding or anything that uses a lot of processing power. even with my 2 rads i can still get 52c core temps at their hottest full load @ 4.7. even on a single 220mm i couldnt stay in recommended temps even with a vcore of 1.41
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