Asus m4a77d New wifi card.

So i just order a new wifi card however tired and lazy at 1am didn't read description fully i honestly had like two sentence left when i started getting sleepy, but I had liked what i had read and ordered it. It's a none name brand not to worried it's only temporary but might be short lived, Come to find out it's m.2 and i have i old mobo thats ran like a champ FOR 13 FREAKING AWESOME YEARS. Will my asus m4a77d support a m.2 wifi card? Or is finally time to pass on the 2nd build to my younger brother and start anew?

I didn't respond right away because the second i read your answer i took my P.C. apart and gave it to my little brother. I just bought a brand new asus m5a97 le r2.0. I'm also getting a new cpu soon but for now i am running a phenom x4 965 be and getting a bunch new stuff soon :)