Asus - M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard with windows 10?


Jul 17, 2017
Hi, i read somewhere that the Asus - M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard
isn't compatable with windows 10, but then I also read somewhere else that it is. Can someone please help me, i'm scared <MOD EDIT LANGUAGE> because i don't want to get stuck with windows 7.
1) DO NOT use profanity on this forum. This is your one and only warning.

2) whoever told you that is completely incorrect. We have users on this forum running Win 10 and that board. Also Win 10 works fine on older versions of that board (I had one!)

im really new to this stuff, so i have to install windows 10 then install the drivers? or do i have to do something before installing windows 10?
1) DO NOT use profanity on this forum. This is your one and only warning.

2) whoever told you that is completely incorrect. We have users on this forum running Win 10 and that board. Also Win 10 works fine on older versions of that board (I had one!)

just install win 10 like usual mate,if u have any problem u can ask later