I just got the asus m5a99FX pro 2.0 motherboard. It will not detect my HDD. (Seagate Barracuda 1TB RoHS)
Upon startup, the screen displays:
Total Memory: 12272MB (DDR3-1333)
USB Devices total: 0 Drive, 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, 0 Hub
Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices...
Memory OK! succeeds in system booting! Enter BIOS setup menu and save the memory settings or visit ASUS website for latest BIOS version
Press F1 to run SETUP.
I have no OS on this HDD, but I have win7 pro ready to be installed on it.
My build is:
PSU: 750w
GPU: GTX 760 4gb Zotac
MOBO: Asus m5a99FX
CPU: 4350 AMD 4.2GHz 4core
In the BIOS screen the boot menu does see my HDD. HOWEVER... I inserted my Win7pro CD and the screen says:
Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key.
Upon startup, the screen displays:
Total Memory: 12272MB (DDR3-1333)
USB Devices total: 0 Drive, 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, 0 Hub
Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices...
Memory OK! succeeds in system booting! Enter BIOS setup menu and save the memory settings or visit ASUS website for latest BIOS version
Press F1 to run SETUP.
I have no OS on this HDD, but I have win7 pro ready to be installed on it.
My build is:
PSU: 750w
GPU: GTX 760 4gb Zotac
MOBO: Asus m5a99FX
CPU: 4350 AMD 4.2GHz 4core
In the BIOS screen the boot menu does see my HDD. HOWEVER... I inserted my Win7pro CD and the screen says:
Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key.