Asus m5a99FX pro 2.0 not detecting HDD


Jul 11, 2014
I just got the asus m5a99FX pro 2.0 motherboard. It will not detect my HDD. (Seagate Barracuda 1TB RoHS)

Upon startup, the screen displays:

Total Memory: 12272MB (DDR3-1333)
USB Devices total: 0 Drive, 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, 0 Hub

Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices...

Memory OK! succeeds in system booting! Enter BIOS setup menu and save the memory settings or visit ASUS website for latest BIOS version
Press F1 to run SETUP.

I have no OS on this HDD, but I have win7 pro ready to be installed on it.

My build is:
PSU: 750w
GPU: GTX 760 4gb Zotac
MOBO: Asus m5a99FX
CPU: 4350 AMD 4.2GHz 4core


In the BIOS screen the boot menu does see my HDD. HOWEVER... I inserted my Win7pro CD and the screen says:

Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key.
Is the HDD connected to the sata data and power cables?

Does it show up in Bios?

Does it show up in Control Panel, Device Manager, as working? Is it's driver up to date?

Has it been formatted (Control Panel, Administration Tools, Disk Management)?