Hi I am building a new rig I have built many in the past but this one is troubling me, it is based on the Asus M5A99X pro R2.0 motherboard with a AMD FX8350 cpu with a corsair H100I cooler 8GB of crucial balistix ram and a h8770 graphics card with an ocz 750W psu, the problem is it will not post, when I push the power button all the fans come on at max seed for a couple of seconds then drop to about half speed the power led on the mb is green and the cpu led is red, according to the book the cpu is faulty but I fitted my phenom ii 965 cpu from my second rig to this board and got the same resault, I have tried known good ram and graphics card from other system, I have tried it in and out of the case, I am reluctant to rma the mobo as it will cost me £30 if it is ok, is there anything I have missed, there is no beep code from the pc speaker, any help would be greatfully appreciated. Please excuse bad spelling and grammar as I posted this from my smart phone.