ASUS: MAXIMUS HERO VIII vs MAXIMUS VIII Extreme vs AsRock extreme7+


I'm looking at doing a skylake build. I read your post and it looks like you had a corrupted harddrive, that could happen to anyone. I don't see how that shows the entire chipset is 'riddled with issues'. Your thread also didn't give a 'detailed' explanation at all.
I was going to post a similar question as OP. I wanted a suggestion for a Z170 Board but reading the reviews of so many Asus boards on Newegg there seems to be some serious problem with the audio drivers and Win10. Many people are reporting crackling and popping when playing any sound. You can get around it is you happen to have a dedicated sound card but I've not used one of those in years.

Im going with haswell dude i sugest you do it too, the 4970k it the best there is but i have no clue what motherboard to take xD

As of 1/20 2016 the 1051 and 6700k seem to have rave reviews. Maybe you have a defective drive?

Thanks for the link. I had just run prime a few hours ago with now issues thankfully. I just finished my Skylake build, finally upgraded from my old AMD 8350 to the Asus Maximus Extreme with 6700k, 850 Evo SSD and 2X16GB 3200 DDR4 Sticks.
I'll stick with Aida anyway as Prime has been actually damaging some hardware from what Linus Tech Tips has mentioned. Hopefully the bios update fixes it, if not a future 1151 chip like Kaby will. Thanks for the info!