ASUS Maximus IX Formula VS IX Hero


Dec 27, 2016
Hi there,

I'm in the midst of upgrading my system and planning on buying a motherboard when february comes. I've just seen that the new Maximus motherboards have been announced from ASUS, and was wondering what the difference is between these?

I have been comparing their exact specs on multiple sites, but cant see the big difference compared to the huge price difference.

EDIT: While we're at it, how do these compare to the "IX Code" motherboard? The price suggests that its in the middle of theo ther two, but again, I cant see the big differences.

It seems the formula has a water cooling cpu block. If you are planning to overlock or using water, maybe you want that one. If no, choose between the others. The hero seems to be a basic mother and the code (which is the one I'm going to buy) has a few minir improvements, and you can attach to it 2 led stripes. 😀 it's cool. Check if the hero has wifi or so. Code does. Good luck 😀 (sorry about my english xD I'm actually from argentina and almost nobody here (at least I meet) speaks in english xD)