Asus maximus V Formula rebooting


May 5, 2013
Hi everyone...
Just bougt me a nice mobo and a I5 3750K Water cooled system.
Runing 4 banks of 2gb 1600mhz ram.
And 1 590gtx with waterblock

have always booted up fine and worked like a charm. No OC as yet.
the system is only like 3 days old and want to have it perfectly stable before i o eany OC

Came home after work this morning,
and saw that my system was powerd off... it usaly in online 24/7

Hmm... weird... tryed to power it on... NOPE....
Pulled the side of my CM cosmos 2,
and saw that the mobo still was glowing its wonderful red, hmm.... pulled the cable to the psu... let it be out for about 10 minutes... still no reaction from the mobo... just turned on its internal red lamps around the soundcard and RoG logo and the buttons was glowing.

tried to start it from the Start botton on the MoBo nope... nothing.

Pullde the cable to the switches to the case, incase of the reset button or eanythin is shorted..

And yes it started up... for like 2-3sec
Then it reboots... It dont even have time to post eany error codes in the led display......

and it just runs in this lopp untill i pull the power...

Have enyone any sugestions?????

//Best regards Janne, sweden
im runing a 650 psu a good one... and this phenonemon shouldent apper after 3 days
att full load with extreem setings on benchmark 11 im runing at about 520W
Have tested the psu under maximum load and a checker and all volteges is perfect...

Did a bios reset... but it dosent help
And the ram is perfect... tested them in my other machin with a 1366 socket and I7 920
no water leeak.., the only two things i cant test is the mobo and the cpu.. its the only ones i have in socket 1155.... but still its a stange fault that has evolved.... i wold think i got a bad mobo 🙁 sins everything els checks out fine...
Ram, psu, and my gpu. it wount even show eanythin on my screen when i connect it to the bult in grafics... no error codes on the led segment on mobo,,,,, dammit.... i want my computer