Asus Maximus VI Hero Q-Code 23 // Unresponsive DIMM_A1


Dec 10, 2013
I'm going to be going into my computer again tomorrow to make sure (primarily because I may have potentially screwed up the RAM insertion), but earlier today I got a Q-Code 23 while testing RAM sticks after a power surge burnt one of my sticks out; thankfully I've found no other problems aside from what comes next. I removed all four and tested first one, then one pair. The other two remained out and since the initial issue has been fixed.

My issue as I come here is:

When I inserted the first stick solo (DIMM_A1), I got an Error 23 off the board. I inserted a second stick (DIMM_B1), and I was up and running fine, no issues, no crashes. However, I've found I'm only reading off DIMM_B1, and DIMM_A1 isn't recognizing RAM. So, I guess what I'm asking is; can my system run off A2, B1, and B2 without A1 (three sticks), and/or is there a way to fix the Error 23 without warrantying/RMAing the board? I'd rather not lose the use of my computer for whatever period it took to have the board shipped out and either another or a fixed one back, and nor can I afford a replacement. Again, I'm going to check the insertion on the A1 slot tomorrow just to be absolutely sure the stick is in properly. But if it is, I need to start looking at alternatives. Thank you for your time.