Morbus :
Is there really a market for this stuff? Android games are abysmal, and why stream from the PC anyway? Unless you can do it when you're not at home, it's totally pointless!
Streaming while out from your home GPU will come at some point but will probably always have latency issues for some titles. That's not too important, as the main point is to play your pc gpu anywhere in the house or out to TV. If you think android gaming sucks, you clearly haven't been to googlepay's store in a while. This list below is old, but now has grown a lot with newer versions for many. IE, Modern Combat 5 (go check a vid for that and tell me it sucks), Asphalt 8, Anomaly 2, etc etc, Unreal 4 already runs on K1, games won't look like crap when made for kepler and up and many already look good with nothing yet aimed directly at T4 and up gpus. You sound like a Sony fanboy trying to save Vita from it's impending death

You going to tell me hawken looks like crap too? Considering 3DS sold 40million basically BEFORE mobile got going on games, yes there is a market. 3DS is woefully underpowered vs. T4 and K1 in many ways (so is VITA). Your question should be is there any market left for Vita/3DS/Wiiu (under 6mil sales? ouch)? The same devs that made great Kepler games will either port or create new ones for Android Kepler. No homework needed to learn kepler mobile again. You're already done. There is a reason Nintendo is already showing signs of scrambling over hardware. Gestureware works with 162 games now also, adding to the fun factor on win8 devices with android/ios coming at some point they say. Most of the latest PC games already work.
"We will extend our Core framework to Ruby, Android, and other languages in the future." but already on HTML 5, flash, actionscript, adobe air etc. So maybe type browser interfaces streaming the PC isn't far behind anyway regardless of the gameplay app.
Spellforce2 Demons of the Past just hit, already supported. They seem to be fairly quick at adding these. You also completely ignore you can output to TV which replaces the need for consoles. Most of us don't have our PC in the same room as our big screen. There are many games I wouldn't mind playing from the couch, either on shield or on TV. There are some I just don't think are a good fit, but many ARE especially with gestureworks simulating a mouse/keyboard like gameplay. Surely android is the 2nd version they'll come with as it is taking over mobile.
You also must be ignoring the news. IF forecasts are true mobile will be a ~$24Billion dollar market by 2016 (already $13Billion vs. Consoles $44Billion for 2013).
Look at handhelds already dying vs. mobile. IN 2016 we'll see 10nm show up possibly by end of year. Watch for consoles to look like Handhelds in that chart by then if not sooner depending on next gen sales. Devs making games that will appear this year already show these numbers are true or conservative (60% making mobile games, vs. under 5% for 3DS an 2.5% for Vita, it will only get worse, next gen have below 13% showing any interest).
"Mobile games are the fastest-growing segment of the market, with revenue set to nearly double between 2013 and 2015 from $13.2 billion to $22 billion (see Table 1)"
You're ignoring the obvious. It's happening right in front of your face
Wiiu/3DS dying. Nintendo needs to start porting to android ASAP or die. 1.2B units of smart devices sold YEARLY say Nintendo needs an android shot in the arm ASAP. Wiiu/3DS sales haven't hit 50mil AFAIK TOTAL combined. With more than 25x the size of the audience of wiiu/3ds combined, they can sell the next zelda on android for $10-20 and probably make a billion one after another. In 2-3yrs that's double going to double again most likely as desktop gpus take over mobile. So an opportunity to sell to another 1.2B on top of today maybe. I'm sure Zelda at $10 sells FAR better than Zelda at $50-60. Nintendo has some great software, but not enough machines to sell them to. Bring Zelda, Mario, Sonic to android and make a few billion each rev combined. No point in them doing hardware any more. Android is killing both the 3ds and wiiu sales (on top of damage xbox1/ps4 do to wiiu and even old consoles sell well vs. wiiu). I think they make money on every 3ds/wiiu they sell so might as well keep selling them, but don't bother with the next models. Go MOBILE. Hit your own devices first then a delayed launch to android for all titles - say 1yr to maximize sales at $30-50. Then go mobile for $20 for everyone left.
Is the biggest seller only 2.6mil units? Android sales of their games would likely be 10mil+ on a regular basis. We are talking about 25x the size of the audience (1.2B vs. 48mil 3ds/wiiu as of jan 29). Note the DS had many titles selling 10mil+ with one hitting 30mil+, so clearly you could sell somewhere near that or better on 8x original DS audience and growing right? At $20 they would sell like crazy. Heck they might be able to charge $25-30 and sell well.
Here's my pretty old list with a few added but basically ignoring sports totally:
Head to google play and check out some of these games, the 1st THREE are unreal engine based check out the movies of the games...this is the first freaking wave (not angry birds now):
Demon Score (square enix)
Wild Blood
Dungeon Hunter 4 looks pretty much like torchlight 1 or maybe between 1-2. Either way this game doesn't suck. Looks great.
Note the unreal engine 3 is just kicking off on mobile, a lot more in the pipe and now that unreal 4 runs on K1 & presumably all Tegra socs going forward, so the flow of games will only continue. Also forgot Real Boxing (among other sports games, not really hitting them here, but there are many).
Bloodsword (very nice!)
Dead Trigger 2 looks pretty good also.
Nearly all recent gameloft games are pretty good and all from june/july, get ready for this years coming soon:
ChoplifterHD fron inexile (more than 10mins of fun...LOL)
TaintedKeep (for those adventure rpg types)
Riptide GP2
Gun Bros 2
Modern Combat 1-4:
Make sure you up the video to 1080p... It rocks. This is PRE-T4. These are made for current crap T3 etc...OLD, some even T2 games below.
Eternity Warriors 2 (1-5mil installs in the last 30
WOW, no, there will be no good games on tablets/phones etc.
Iron Man 3 (impressive to say the least)
Frontline Commando
Nova 3 (nova 1 & 2 aren't bad either)
Dark Knight Rises:
Gangstar Rio
Shadowgun (still think tablets are crap?)
Bard's Tale (hey, isn't this a CONSOLE game...LOL)
ArmA2: Firing Range (not impressive, but this was 2011...LOL)
Again for Tegra2...
Renaissance Blood
Zombie Driver THD (just updated Aug1 specifically for shield)
Chaos Rings 1 & 2:
Please realize it's in english when you buy it...LOL
Blazing Souls Accelate:
Final Fantasy 3 in 3d (2006 game but on current handhelds)
Amazing Spiderman:
Need for Speed Most Wanted:
Asphalt 7
COD Black Ops Zombie game...Who knew?