I'd like to find someone who has owned or better still has this monitor. I think I've decided that I'm going to buy it here in a few days. I've read it has really great color and its 24 inch not bad for 200$ which is all I'd to pay for a monitor.
My question is what settings do you have it on? What is the best way of going about calibrating the thing once I have it. I've seen a thread about spyderpro3 a program for calibrating monitors. I'll check it out.
Also, do you recommend this monitor? I'd like to stick with 200$ but idk if theres something 30 bucks more expensive with better color and 24 inches I'd take it.
My question is what settings do you have it on? What is the best way of going about calibrating the thing once I have it. I've seen a thread about spyderpro3 a program for calibrating monitors. I'll check it out.
Also, do you recommend this monitor? I'd like to stick with 200$ but idk if theres something 30 bucks more expensive with better color and 24 inches I'd take it.