Asus MOBO update problem


Jan 14, 2018
Hello, there I have Asus P5G41T-M LX MOBO I recently upgraded my CPU e8300 to Xeon e5450. After that my PC started to say update BIOS to unleash CPU full potential. So I did from Asus website I downloaded the latest mod and I used the Asus program to do it. It worked I did update but I still have the same msg every time I boot my PC.

And after that Asus program started to tell me to update my bios when I click it says u already got latest sorry bro.

bdw: my mobo and cpu is working fine i can play games etc. but i want this msg to go away

Here screenshots.

my other stuff maybe you need them Kingston 4 gb 1333 Mhz dd3 ram g9800 GPU 550w psu ?

edit: I also did same update with USB drive from BIOS
Are you sure the microcode for that CPU is in the BIOS? If not, then you need to follow the instructions found at

It is working at the moment I buyyed a guy from my country selling thoose are already moded way he said. plugin and works and i actually works i can play games and etc. just want to msg go away . bdw sorry for PM i tought i was answering you xd

it worked ! Thx ! could not translate that page tho but i looked microcode stuff in my langue and it worked thank you for your answer