Asus Motherboard M5 A97 LE R2.0


Jan 25, 2014
I just got my Graphic card Gigabyte RADEON R9 270 2048 MB. There are two places this will plug on the Mobo Asus M5.A97 LE R2.0. one is marked TPU and the other slot has Dual intelligent Processor. Which should i use for the graphic card? I'm not sure but I think you can add a second graphic card and tie them together. So do I use the TPU slot?
So which one should I use they are two different colors also. Blue and dark grey or black is the one that has TPU on it. There is a PCIE X16 1 under the blue PCIE x16 2 under the black one.
Okay so I'll plug into the blue one labeled PCIEX16 1. Thanks again but one more question. On the top of the graphic card is two 6 prong plugs. The graphic card came with plugs that connect there but the other end spits into 2 3 prong plugs. On the PSU there are some plugs that look the same but they're 4 prong plugs. Is this where they hook or where?
Gigabyte RADEON R9 270 2048 MB. Forget the plugs that split. The PSU has plugs that will plug onto the graphic card. Two 6 pin plugs. Do I plug power to both of these? Two fans and a cooler on this card. After this is hooked its time to start up.
Okay will do this after while and see if it boots up. Guess I'll need to put graphic card dish in to load drivers. Not sure when to do that before or after setting BIOS.