[SOLVED] Asus Notebook TP 500LN - need help regarding built in RAM

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Dec 18, 2021
Hello all, I am new to this community.

I have an Asus Notebook TP 500LN, and it has a built-in 4GB Ram DDR3LN-1600.

Before I start my question, I want to share with you a picture of my laptop ram.

Unfortunately, I haven't disassembled my laptop but I was lucky enough to find an old post in this forum in which someone had the same laptop.
You can view the picture here.
Old Post that contained the picture - here

In the picture, you can see a black rectangle stick (4 GB) that is stuck in the ram slot, and there is another ram slot above.

Since I have never tinkered with laptop parts, I want to ask whether that stick can be removed, or it's soldered?

My plan is to add an 8GB SO-DIMM DDR3L stick, and I don't know if it's good to have sticks of different sizes?

4 GB built-in + another 8 GB
4GB built-in + another 4 GB

You can view the Product Data Sheet Here



I found this info. according to the link provided:

The Laptop has 2 Slots to install memory, already with 2GB standard memory installed. For best Transformer Book Flip TP500LN Laptop performance use the maximum amount of 16GB, fill all the slots with the max allowed memory per slot for your Laptop.

My laptop has a built-in 4GB memory, and I can add another 4GB stick to make the total capacity 8GB.

I haven't tinkered with laptop parts, and I want to ask wtheater it is possible to remove the built-in memory stick?
Or I cannot because it's soldered.
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