Asus optical drive wont boot CD's


Nov 25, 2013
I recently bough a asus drw24bs1st optical drive and it will not read any discs i place inside it. I just built my computer and when i place my windows 7 operating system disk it will not boot it, if i place any other disk in the drive it wont boot those either. Could it just be a bad optical drive? Anyway to fix this or should i just return it for a new one?

It won't boot, ill select that and the optical drive will run a few times and then it tells me something like insert boot cd and press any key and it starts back all over again.

Did u connect the "SATA" cable to the optical drive properly?
check it
I know HOME versions of win XP are not boot-able, Pro are. Maybe you got the wrong version of Windows? are you sure it's Ultimate?
Are you sure there is no USB device connected?
Are you sure you chose the right device from the boot menu?
I got this same drive from Newegg back in September. It has worked flawlessly since day one. Check your cable connections and verify you have a bootable CD/DVD. If everything else checks out, return the drive since it is still currently under warranty.

Yeah i double checked to make sure it was connected.


When ever i turn on my computer and go to the BIOS it shows that it is connected but at the ended of the optical drive name there is a lower case i so when i hover over the drive information it show it as"SATA asus drw drive i"

Yes it was a download and i had to load the .ISO image onto a DVD and the only USB's were my keyboard and mouse. It's not just the OS, any disc that i enter it will not read including the disc that came with the motherboard.

That may be motherboard specific. I have an older board and if I remember correctly, mine just reports "optical drive". Under windows device manager, it does show the correct model though. If you have another PC, you can always try it in there, but at this point an RMA may be your only option.