I've been doing a lot of reading on P35 based boards, and have narrowed down the one I will order to one of these 2. After shipping, they are within $13 of each other at the egg, Asus being the more expensive. As far as I can tell, that extra gets me 8 phase rather than 6 phase power, x2 firewire, 2 more USB 2.0 on the back panel, and wifi built onto the board. While I might not use any of this initially, I'm sure that one will come in handy at some point. I know the Asus is crossfire capable, but will never use it.
The boards also use different onboard sound, and I see that the gig. board has the ability to play blu-ray and hd-dvd audio. Does the Asus have the same ability?
Anything else between these two boards I'll need to consider before ordering? I will be using a 8600GT OC, 2 gigs of Corsair RAM, E2140, and an older IDE HD till I can find a great deal on a SATA II drive. Will be OC'ing the CUP to between 2.33 and 2.66 GHz, and would like to be able to do that relatively easily as I'm very new to it.
Also, memory question that I still have after all this research. I know the chip is based a 200fsb, with a multi of 8 (200x8=1600mhz). If the memory stays at 1:1 ratio, that's only half it's rated speed. OC'ing to 2.33 GHz will require a fsb of 292 at the same multi. The memory would then be running at 584mhz (still less than rated). Should I leave it there, to use a different ratio (7:5 or something) to get it closer to 800, or should I leave it at 1:1? Same goes at 2.66 where the fsb is 333 (6:5 or leave it at 1:1)?
Thanks for any help you might have with this last decision on my new build!!
The boards also use different onboard sound, and I see that the gig. board has the ability to play blu-ray and hd-dvd audio. Does the Asus have the same ability?
Anything else between these two boards I'll need to consider before ordering? I will be using a 8600GT OC, 2 gigs of Corsair RAM, E2140, and an older IDE HD till I can find a great deal on a SATA II drive. Will be OC'ing the CUP to between 2.33 and 2.66 GHz, and would like to be able to do that relatively easily as I'm very new to it.
Also, memory question that I still have after all this research. I know the chip is based a 200fsb, with a multi of 8 (200x8=1600mhz). If the memory stays at 1:1 ratio, that's only half it's rated speed. OC'ing to 2.33 GHz will require a fsb of 292 at the same multi. The memory would then be running at 584mhz (still less than rated). Should I leave it there, to use a different ratio (7:5 or something) to get it closer to 800, or should I leave it at 1:1? Same goes at 2.66 where the fsb is 333 (6:5 or leave it at 1:1)?
Thanks for any help you might have with this last decision on my new build!!