Asus P5QL-E Q6600 Overclocking Overclocking Failed


Oct 9, 2016
I am trying for a while overclock my Q6600@2.4Ghz for bottleneck reasons and every time I change anything in AI tweaker (Multi,FSB,...)I will get overclocking failed error.Everything i can do is press F1 to load default values.Can somebody help me with this how to solve this problem and overclock it propertly?

GPU: Amd radeon R9 280 MSI
CPU: Core 2 quad Q6600 2.4Ghz
RAM:4x 2GB A-data DDR2 ram 800mhz
PS:Corsair 850W

I watched youtube vids and copied exactly what others have done to a tee with no luck. I then updated my BIOS and got a few programs. I have a p5k-e intel core 2 quad q6600 and found my multiplier was 9 not 8 which allowed me to keep my numbers much lower. At first i was using 8 as...

No.I am still getting same error.I can't change any value in AI Tweaker because after save and boot i will get overclocking failed error.Does my motherboard has something like protection or save values which i need to disable befor overclocking?

Thank you for replying, but if I increase any of these values like FSB,Voltage...I will get this error.What I am doing wrong?Should I change something else than only FSB vCore and NB voltage?For example ram timing and other settings?

I watched youtube vids and copied exactly what others have done to a tee with no luck. I then updated my BIOS and got a few programs. I have a p5k-e intel core 2 quad q6600 and found my multiplier was 9 not 8 which allowed me to keep my numbers much lower. At first i was using 8 as a multiplier so in order to get to 3.2 i had it at 400 and my voltages were also high which had my cpu running at 64-79° (not cool) so by finding out my multiplier is 9 im currently running my FSB freq. At 355 to get 3.2GHz at 37°_50°. And I paid 150 for this pc and put in a 750ti. Im playing any game i want (not maxed out) but still looks great and run at 80fps.