Asus P6T with Gskill Ripjaws XL 1600mhz - Overclock failed


Aug 4, 2015
Hi there guys, i need your help.

I bought some Gskill Ripjaws X DDR3 1600mhz CL9 XL and i've read that to run ram at 1600mhz in this MB, i have to use oc profiles, in this case xmp, and i did, as the ram already has xmp profile. I saves the settings and the PC turn down. I turn it on and it appear something like "overclock failed" and it restarted as it appear to be a bios reset.

Could it damaged something? How can i run these rams as they are made to?

Best regards and thanks for your time!
Frequency and Voltage, piece of cake...The timmings, not so much. 30 plus parameters. :S Could figure out how to configure that.
Maybe is better to forget about it and when i get a new MB and CPU, then will be easier for sure.
Unfortunately it didn't work. Happen the same as with XMP.
The MB and CPU are the only remaining components of the primary pc i bought 6 years ago. It's time to change them...
Thanks for your help and for you time!

Best Regards