ASUS P8z68 Deluxe Gen3 possibly broken after msconfig tweak?


May 21, 2017
Hey guys,

so I have this problem since yesterday that is driving me completely crazy:

I started having quite some huge RAM usage on my PC even after just freshly booting it up it reached like 50% super quickly. I have 16GB of Ram, so I was curious what it could be and checked the task manager. However, I couldnt really find any indicator of what was consuming so much RAM.

I started looking around the internet for some tips, and I found a guide that suggested to try and limit the RAM that can be used by Windows via msconfig becuase sometimes, it apparently alocates quite more than it needs.

So I went to msconfig and checked the box to overwrite this value and for test reasons I entered 4096 which should be plenty enough to run Windows.

I was obviously prompted to reboot and after I did so, my PC got instantly stuck before even any of my Screens would turn on.

I am getting 6 beep noises which suggest that a hardware failure is there. I removed and swapped around all my RAMs and even tried new ones that I just bought but I keep getting the 6 beeps and nothing else...I cant even boot into recovery or whatever.

I also tried the tricks with removing the battery, pressing the CMOS reset butto, the MemOK! button and what not but nothing helps.

Could I really have destroyed my hardware with what I did? I mean this should not happen right?
Does anyone have any ideas of what else I could try?

As mentioned, I have an ASUS P8Z68 Deluxe Gen 3, 16GB Corsair Vengeance/32GB Corsair Vengeance (I own 2 Kits), i7-2600K, Geforce GTX980 and my min HD is an 480GB Corsair SSD.

Any help with this is highly appreciated as I would prefer to not buy a new Mainboard, CPU etc^^

Thanks a lot and cheers!
Changing an msconfig setting will NOT cause a hardware issue. The hardware issue existed previously. It's just a coincidence that it bugged out when you changed a setting.
Start by unplugging everything and beginning with a minimum config - CPU (using on-chip GPU), one stick of RAM, no drives. See if it posts and you can get into the BIOS. If you can, start adding more memory. If you can put all memory then add GPU. (etc., etc.)
Changing an msconfig setting will NOT cause a hardware issue. The hardware issue existed previously. It's just a coincidence that it bugged out when you changed a setting.
Start by unplugging everything and beginning with a minimum config - CPU (using on-chip GPU), one stick of RAM, no drives. See if it posts and you can get into the BIOS. If you can, start adding more memory. If you can put all memory then add GPU. (etc., etc.)